Tournament Format (Cost: $1,000 for 4 person team)
Join us for an invigorating round of golf with your three best mates in our modified team scramble! We’re capping handicaps at 24 for men and 36 for women, and we’ll calculate your team’s playing handicap at 10% of the total.
Get ready for a day packed with excitement, which includes your green fee and cart. Hone your precision for our ‘Closest to the Pin’ contest. Fuel up with a continental breakfast available at 6 AM, and prepare for a prompt shotgun start at 7:30 AM. Don’t miss out on a delightful lunch after your last putt sinks.
Pack your clubs and bring your A-game for a day of friendly competition and camaraderie – all in support of the Maui Adult Day Care Centers.
Release: I understand golf is inherently dangerous and serious injury, death or disfigurement may result. I understand that my participation in this golf tournament may expose me and others to the COVID-19 virus. In consideration of accepting entry into this tournament, I agree for myself, my executors, administrators, assigns and supervisors to release, discharge, hold harmless and indemnify the Maui Adult Day Care Centers and others associated with this event from any and all claims for damages, actions, demands and injuries arising out of my participation in this event. I confirm and represent that I am familiar with the dangers of golfing, golf tournaments, the COVID-19 virus, and I specifically undertake to voluntarily assume such risks.